1. Boikemisetso ba bophara ba pompo ea moea ea morafo oa moruo
1.1 Litšenyehelo tsa ho reka kotopo ea ho kenya moea ka morafong
Ha bophara ba kotopo ea moea ea merafong bo ntse bo eketseha, lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang le tsona lia eketseha, kahoo theko ea theko ea kotopo ea merafo le eona ea eketseha.Ho latela tlhahlobo ea lipalo-palo ea theko e fanoeng ke moetsi oa kotopo ea moea ea merafong, theko ea kotopo ea merafo le bophara ba kotopo ea merafo e tsamaisana hantle ka tsela e latelang:
C1 = (a + bd) L( 1)
Kae,C1- theko ea theko ea pompo ea moea ea merafo, CNY; a- litšenyehelo tse eketsehileng tsa pompo ea moea ea merafo ka bolelele ba yuniti, CNY/m;b- coefficient ea litšenyehelo tsa motheo tsa bolelele ba yuniti le bophara bo itseng ba pompo ea moea ea merafo;d- bophara ba duct ea moea ea merafo, m;L- Bolelele ba kotopo ea moea e rekiloeng ea merafo, m.
1.2 Litšenyehelo tsa ho kenya moea oa merafo
1.2.1 Tlhahlobo ea litekanyetso tsa sebaka sa moea sa moea
Phefo e hanyetsanang le kotopo ea moea ea merafo e kenyelletsa ho hanyetsa moea oa khohlanoRfvea kotopo ea moea ea merafo le ho hanyetsa moea oa sebakeng seoRev, moo ho hanyetsanang le moea oa sebakeng seoReve kenyelletsa ho hanyetsa moea o kopanengRjo, ho hanyetsa moea oa setsoeRbele tšubuhlellano ea moea e thibelang phefumoloho ea merafoRou(mofuta oa ho tobetsa) kapa ho hanyetsa moea o kenangRin(mofuta oa ho ntša).
Kakaretso ea khanyetso ea moea ea kotopo ea moea e kenang morafong ke:
Kakaretso ea khanyetso ea moea ea kotopo ea moea ea merafo ea exhaust ke:
L- bolelele ba pompo ea moea ea morafo, m.
d- bophara ba pompo ea moea ea morafo, m.
s- sebaka sa sefapano sa pompo ea moea ea morafo, m2.
α– Coefficient of friction resistance duct ea merafo ea moea, N·s2/m4.The roughness ea ka hare lerako la tšepe ventilation duct ke hoo e ka bang e tšoanang, kahoo theαboleng bo amana feela le bophara.Li-coefficients tse hanyetsanang tsa likhohlano tsa likotopo tse tenyetsehang tsa moea le liphaephe tsa moea tse tenyetsehang tse nang le mehele e thata li amana le khatello ea moea.
ξjo- sebaka sa ho hanyetsa sebaka sa motsoako oa merafo oa ventilation, o se nang moeli.Ha li le tengnmanonyeletso a bolelele bohle ba pompo ea moea ea merafo, kakaretso ea khanyetso ea sebaka sa manonyeletso e baloa ho latelanξjo.
n- palo ea manonyeletso a pompo ea moea ea morafo.
ξbs- coefficient ea ho hanyetsa sebakeng seo ha ho phetoa kotopo ea moea ea morafo.
ξou- sebaka sa ho hanyetsa coefficient sebakeng sa ho tsoa ha pompo ea moea ea morafo, nkaξou= 1.
ξin- coefficient ea khanyetso ea lehae sebakeng sa ho kena ha pompo ea moea ea morafo,ξin= 0.1 ha sekeno se pota-potiloe ka ho feletseng, leξin= 0.5 - 0.6 ha sekeno se sa pota-potiloe ka lehlakoreng le letona.
ρ– ho teteana ha moea.
Mo phefong ya selehae, kakaretso ya ho hanyetsa moya ha kotopo ya moya ya merafo e ka hakanngwa ho itshetlehile hodima kakaretso ya ho hanyetsa moya wa kgohlano.Ka kakaretso ho lumeloa hore kakaretso ea khanyetso ea moea oa lehae ea lenonyeletso la kotopo ea moea ea merafong, ho hanyetsa moea oa lehae oa ho phethoha, le ho hanyetsa moea ha sekoti (mofuta oa ho hatella) kapa ho hanyetsa moea o kenang (mofuta oa ho ntša) ea kotopo ea moea ea merafong e batla e le 20% ea kakaretso ea matla a khohlano ea moea a kotopo ea moea ea morafo.Kakaretso ea ho hanyetsa moea oa moea oa merafo ke:
Ho ea ka lingoliloeng, boleng ba coefficient ea frictional resistance α ea fan duct e ka nkoa e le kamehla.Theαboleng ba duct ea tšepe ea ventilation e ka khethoa ho ea ka Lethathamo la 1;Theαboleng ba JZK letoto la FRP ventilation duct e ka khethoa ho latela Lethathamo la 2;Khoele ea ho hanyetsa ea khohlano ea kotopo e feto-fetohang ea moea le kotopo e feto-fetohang ea moea e nang le skeleton e thata e amana le khatello ea moea leboteng, coefficient ea khanyetso ea likhohlano.αboleng ba duct flexible ventilation e ka khethoa ho latela Lethathamo la 3.
Letlapa la 1 Frictional resistance coefficient of metal ventilation duct
Bophara ba ho hula (mm) | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 800 |
α× 104/( N·s2·m-4 ) | 49 | 44.1 | 39.2 | 34.3 | 29.4 | 24.5 |
Letlapa la 2 Frictional resistance coefficient of JZK series FRP centilation duct
Mofuta oa ho kenya | JZK-800-42 | JZK-800-50 | JZK-700-36 |
α× 104/( N·s2·m-4) | 19.6-21.6 | 19.6-21.6 | 19.6-21.6 |
Letlapa la 3 The coefficient of friction resistance of the flexible ventilation duct
Bophara ba ho hula (mm) | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 |
α× 104/N·s2·m-4 | 53 | 49 | 45 | 41 | 38 | 32 | 30 | 29 |
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Nako ea poso: Jul-07-2022